Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The end of the semester is upon us. Please join us for our final choral concert of the year titled "Transitions" tomorrow Thursday May 7th at 8:00 in the CSUF concert hall.

To those of you who will be joining us in voice next year, welcome! Some of you might have applied and received an acceptance from the university. If you have received an acceptance and you have NOT auditioned for voice, you need to contact us to arrange an audition.

Auditions for the fall Opera Workshop and the spring Opera Theatre are tomorrow, May 7th in Wahlberg Recital Hall.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Audition Guidelines for Singers

1. Use arias from the standard repertoire. Arias should only be 3 to 4 min.
2. Use arias appropriate to your voice type.
3. The arias should contrast in mood and style.
4. Do not use arias that are new to you.
5. Only use arias that display your abilities and that are completely comfortable.
6. Consider the difficulty of the accompaniment.
7. Make sure the entire role from which the aria is taken is vocally suitable.
8. Attempt to sing an aria from the company repertory.
9. Have on you everything you sing well (as well as the number of arias needed).
10. Bring extra photos, resumes.
11. Have something in English.
12. Have a Musical Theater piece
13. Avoid traps. Ex. the audition panel has you sing something you have never seen.
14. No show is a no no. They keep records.
15. Do not sing if you are sick. Call/email and cancel.

When they call your name . . .

1. You are “on” when you step in the room.
2. Give the pianist your music, Give instruction only if they ask. Do not conduct.
3. Say you name loudly and state what you will sing.
4. Never say “First I would like to sing”. They might not hear a second.
5. Sing your tempo.
6. Know what you are singing and who is on stage with you during the opera. Be specific with gestures and never perform a half gesture.
7. Never outwardly comment on your performance. If they cut you off mid-aria do not make a facial expression of disappointment etc. you might have won the role and they don’t need to hear anymore!
8. When they say “Thank-you” the audition is over. Return the gesture by saying
“Thank-you” back to them.
9. There is rarely any correlation between how you thought it went and whether you were successful.

How to prepare your music.

1. Have an audition binder with your repertoire.
2. Have clean copies, double sided. mark all cuts, cleanly whole punched, all the notes must be on the page.
3. Block cuts out completely with a piece of paper taped (not stapled) to the page.
4. Do not use transparent folders as this causes glare and static.

What are they looking for?

1. Vocal Health
2. Your ability to create a mood and character.
3. Whether you can move on stage.
4. Authority on stage
5. Pizzaz.

What goes on a resume?

1. The truth.
2. Name, email. phone number, alt phone number
3. Vital stats
4. Opera experience


Count Almaviva LE NOZZE DI FIGARO Opera Toronto 2009
Sid ALBERT HERRING Fresno Grand Opera 2008

Representative roles



Jesus ST. MATTHEW PASSION Fresno State 2009


Bachelor of Arts, music FRESNO STATE UNIVERSITY 2009

Special Awards

Singer of the World BIGTIME VOCAL COMPETITION 1999

Special Skills

Teachers and Master classes

Advice to remember:

1. An audition is a business transaction.
2. The audition panel is made up of real people and they genuinely want you to do well.

Friday, April 24, 2009

FAQ’s about auditioning for Opera Workshop from “Ask Dr. Radford"

In the spirit of ASK QUESTION, GET ANSWER-----

Q. Why are you holding auditions.

A. An Opera Workshop audition is great practice for auditioning. As singers you will probably audition more than you perform, especially in the first years of your career. It is usually not a good idea to “practice” auditioning by auditioning for professional opportunities or graduate schools. These institutions keep files and you don’t want to have a bad audition on file. So “in-school” auditions are the perfect place to practice your auditioning skills.

Q. What are you looking for?

A. NUMBER ONE: PEOPLE WHO ARE ABLE TO LEARN THEIR MUSIC. If you are unable to manage your time and learn your music you are out. You can be replaced. I can also cancel the scene. If you have a history of not learning your music you might not be cast this year; end of story. We just don’t have the money to hire people to help you learn the music. I also don’t have the time to yell at you. coax you, be your mother etc. You are not entitled to anything. You have to work for everything.

NUMBER TWO: I am looking for people who are able to understand and portray their character. NUMBER THREE AND FINALLY: I am looking for singers with operatic vocal potential.

Q. Why are you holding auditions this early.

A. Early auditions give us a chance during the summer, to look at the music and prepare. When we start school we are all going to have other commitments and very little time to prepare. Opera Workshop can only meet for 4 hours a week and we only have one pianist to help you with your role. So learning your role before the beginning of the semester is important.

Q. I am new to opera, if I audition will I get a role?

A. When it comes to auditioning we rarely get what we want. You will get what you want for every 1 in every 50 auditions, if you are lucky. It can be a very devastating process. However this is a school and I want to give everyone an opportunity to get their feet wet. I was new at this at one time and I appreciated my opera director giving me a few small roles or even an opportunity to be in the chorus. This class is open to everyone, from the first time opera singer to the experienced singer. Be mindful that this is a team effort and there is a reason why we have all heard the saying "there are no small parts", because every part is important. This is a team game and no one is bigger or more important than anyone else. A production of Madama Butterfly is just as doomed if it loses Butterfly (3 hours of singing) as it is if they lose Uncle Bonze (3 min of singing) to illness.

Q. What can you tell me about being in an Opera Workshop? What can I expect?

A. Opera Workshop, in my experience, was the hardest and most nerve-racking class. This was offset by the fact that it was SO MUCH FUN. It is extremely hard to sing well, come in on time, walk, and act at the same time. It is harder to find the time to learn the role on your own. You always arrive to rehearsal thinking OH MY do I really know this music? I am not ready to be off book. Here is my advice: do your work and you will find that you know more than you think. Failure is part of learning. There will be times when you disappoint your director and more importantly your fellow actors but as long as you learn from your mistakes you will succeed. The temptation for some to make the experience all about them is strong, but these individuals have to remember that opera is a team game and without EVERYONE, NO ONE IS ANYONE (G and S rip off)

Q. If I don’t get a role and I expected one, what should I do?

A. You should see me. This is an open process and we can talk. It is nothing personal and we will see how we can make you happier.

Q. Why should I be in Opera Workshop?

A. The philosophy behind Opera Workshop can be defined as learning while doing. So much of our lives are spend sitting at a desk, watching a screen or reading a book. In this class you get up and move. You will create a real bond with your fellow singers, and work as a team. In some rehearsals it will seem like you are being under used so in those down times stay positive and keep yourself from needless complaining. Complaining can be infectious and ruins cast moral. Don't be responsible for needless complaining. If you have a complaint see me and we will try and resolve it. Rock/paper/scissors is always a great tool!

As we get near the performance the time commitment might be intense so you must be ready to work. You will find yourself doing more than singing, you will be helping to put on an entire production.


All prospective voice students for admission to Fresno State in the Fall of 09 will receive a free ticket to the final choral concert of the year "Transitions". The concert is May 7th, at 8pm in the Fresno State Concert Hall. Come by and meet your new professors and fellow students. Email Dr. Anna Hamre for your free ticket at

A reminder that Opera Workshop auditions are on the same day between 4-6!!! If you would like to audition email me at You do not need an opera aria to audition, just a song you sing well!

Don't forget to register for DOG DAYS. This is our annual orientation fair where you will learn about your new school. Visit for more information.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Auditions for Fresno State Opera Workshop

California State University-Fresno Opera Workshop 2009-2010

2009 Fall Scenes Program

Finales: The Perfect Ending:Finales from great operas.
A Midsummer Nights Dream, Benjamin Britten
Little Women, Mark Adamo
Summer and Smoke, Lee Hoiby
Manon, Jules Massenet
Into the Woods, Stephen Sondheim
Marriage of Figaro, W.A. Mozart

2010 Spring Production: Elixir of Love, Donizetti

April 30th 4-6pm Wahlberg Recital Hall Audition Workshop (recommended)

May 7th 4-6pm Wahlberg Recital Hall Audition

Auditions are open to current and prospective students. Please prepare two contrasting songs or arias. Please bring a resume.

Sign-ups for both the class and the audition are by appointment by emailing aradford@csufresno or signing up on Dr. Radford's studio door. Accompanist will be provided.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Choir Tour Days 2 and 3

This week the concert choir, jazz choir and chamber singers completed their tour of Central California. The main event was a concert in Merced on Tuesday night. On Wednesday we headed to Modesto to two high schools. Solos were heard from Christin Day, Corey Liggans, Alyssa Maas and Timothy Howard. In all it was a great and busy tour. We have a really wonderful group. They are professional, efficient and they sound great! If you are interested in auditioning for Fresno State Voice please call Dr. Anthony Radford at 559-278-7593.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Choir Tour Day 1

Today the choirs kicked off their tour with a visit to Madera South High School.  Warm-ups started at 8:30 at Fresno State and then buses were taken to Madera.  All three choirs, the concert choir, jazz choir and chamber singers sang for the students at Madera South.  We also heard from students Isaac Villanueva and Anne Webster who sang opera arias.  Then we listened to Madera South's fine choir conducted by former Fresno State grad Mr. Roger Harabedian.  

Then after lunch we headed to Sunnyside High School in south Fresno.  All three choirs performed and former Sunnyside students Brittany German and Valerie Salcedo sang opera arias. We then listened to the Sunnyside High School Choir conducted by former Fresno State grad Mr. Davis Maga.

Tomorrow we are on to Ceres and Modesto!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Fresno State voice students Isaac Villanueva, tenor, Josh Bear, bass and Guy Barnes, baritone, all won scholarships from the Fresno Musical Club. They were all winners of the Fresno Young Vocalist Award. The finals of this competition took place last Saturday in Fresno.

Fresno State undergraduate voice students regularly win awards for their singing and go on to major conservatories and universities for their Masters degrees. Once there, these students often find that they are better prepared than their new colleagues for the challenges of graduate school. At Fresno State we give our voice students wonderful vocal instruction, a comprehensive diction class, stage time in scenes and opera productions and many opportunities to sing in choirs and travel on tour. Tomorrow (March 11th) in the Concert Hall the Concert Choir sings with the Fresno State Orchestra and soloists in the Te Deum by Dvorak.

Friday, March 6, 2009

It has been a good week

It has been a good week at Fresno State.  Yesterday Dr. Michelle Latour, Assistant Professor of Voice at Bluffton University in Ohio and Porterville native gave a very interesting, beautifully sung and well attended recital of music for voice and violin.  She then gave a master class for the voice students.  Joshua Bear, Alyssa Maas, Valerie Salcedo, and Emily Broderick performed.  

Anne Webster gave a stunning recital Friday night in Wahlberg Recital hall as part of her Vocal Performance Degree.  She ended with spectacular performance of the aria Glitter and Be Gay. Congratulations to Anne.

Next week has the voice students participate in a joint concert between the Fresno State Orchestra, the Concert Singers and soloists in celebration of Dr. Phyllis Irwin's 8oth birthday and her contribution to the Fresno State Music Department as its longtime chair.  

The following week the Concert Singers go on a tour of the Central Valley. 

Auditions for entrance into voice at Fresno State are being held on March 19th 2009 between 4 and 6pm.  Contact Dr. Anthony Radford at if you would like an audition.

Monday, March 2, 2009

The benefits of studying voice at Fresno State

From time to time on this blog, we will be mentioning various benefits of studying voice at Fresno State. Today's blog is about our wonderful staff accompanist Hatem Nadim. Mr. Nadim is known across the world for his performing and coaching. His biography is below. What every prospective student should know is that each voice student receives coaching from Mr. Nadim at no extra charge. We offer unheard of access for undergraduates to our faculty and staff; weekly one-on-one voice lessons with voice faculty and bi-weekly coachings with Mr. Nadim. Match this kind of attention with other schools you may be considering. Is your potential voice teacher full-time at these other schools? Do you get free coachings from a top vocal coach? Here is Mr. Nadim's bio.

Mr Nadim was born in Cairo (Egypt). At the age of ten he visited the Cairo Conservatoire, where he studied solo piano with R. Yassa, V. Fedorovtzew and V. Samaliotow and graduated with honors. Later, as a music scholarship winner at the University at Frankfurt (Germany), he continued his post-graduate studies in chamber music and vocal accompaniment, with Professors Joachim Volkmann and Rainer Hoffmann, where he earned his degree.

From 1989 to 1996 he held the position of faculty member at the Johannes Gutenberg University in Mainz teaching solo piano. In 1989 he accepted the coveted position as faculty member at the University of Music in Mannheim, where his responsibilities included those of collaborative pianist, chamber music coach and piano accompaniment teacher. In September 2006, Mr. Nadim was appointed staff accompanist at California State University in Fresno.

Hatem Nadim has performed extensively throughout Europe, the United States, Korea and the Middle East. He has performed chamber music with some of the most renowned performing artists including Leslie Parnas, Arto Noras, Michael Flaksman, Susanne Rabenschlag, Jean-Michel Tanguy, Michael Hasel, the Verdi Quartet, Herrmann Voss and Helene Joseph-Weil.

Mr. Nadim has several recordings, the latest of which is a complete collection of the Mozart Violin Sonatas and Variations with the German violinist, Susanne Rabenschlag for Avi-Music and Deutschland Radio.

At the end of 2008 he will start recording the complete Violin Sonatas of Beethoven and the German Romantiks (Brahms, Schumann, Mendelssohn) also with Susanne Rabenschlag.

So there you have it. Mr. Hatem Nadim!

A reminder that this week Dr. Michelle Latour from Bluffton University will be at Fresno State.

Thursday March 5th at 12:30 p.m. Dr. Michelle Latour and Prof. Felix Olfschofka a Violin/Voice Duo will be performing in recital. This will take place in the Concert Hall.

Then in Wahlberg Recital Hall between 1:35 - 3:00 p.m. Dr. Latour will give a master class sharing ideas and techniques she uses from her studies with OperaWorks. The students of all three Fresno State voice studios will take part.

Hope to see you there!

Saturday, February 28, 2009

What's Happening . . .

Welcome or welcome back to our voice and choral page. Students at Fresno State had their first singing exams of the semester this past week. These exams are performed on stage and the student sings a new song they have been working. We do a lot of great work here at Fresno State, working on our singing technique as well as learning new and exciting repertoire, and it showed in these exams.

During the weekly noon hour recital this past week we heard three singers, Rebecca Mabe, Tim Howard and Anne Webster. Anne will be performing her Graduation Recital this week: Thursday March 5th at 8pm in Wahlberg Recital Hall.

Baritone Guy Barnes will be performing in the noon hour recital this coming Tuesday March 3rd at 12:30pm in the Concert Hall.

Congratulations and good luck to our singers who were accepted to compete for the Fresno Musical Club Scholarships on March 7th.

You are invited to come and see a dress rehearsal of the Dvorak Te Deum on Monday March 9th at 7pm in the Fresno State Concert Hall. The Fresno State Orchestra will be joined by the choir and soloists to perform this work.

Choir tour is coming up! The choir will be performing Tuesday March 17th at 7:30 pm at St. Patrick’s Church in Merced (671 E. Yosemite Ave., Merced, 95340). Come out and see them if you are in the area.

So as you can see our students have plenty of opportunities to perform: exams, noon hour recitals, solo recitals, choir tours, and large concerts with orchestra. Join us!

Monday, February 16, 2009

All are invited to attend my (Dr. Anthony Radford) upcoming Master Classes. In these Master Classes you will hear students sing and work with me on their repertoire. All these events are FREE!

Thursday February 19th at 2:00-3:50pm in Wahlberg Recital Hall at CSU-Fresno
Tuesday February 24th at 3:00-5:00pm in Visalia at College of the Sequoia's Music Building
Thursday March 5th 2:00-3:50pm in Wahlberg Recital Hall at CSU-Fresno

On Thursday February 26th in the CSU-Fresno Concert Hall voice students of Prof. Joseph-Weil and Dr. Radford will be performing at 12:30-1:20. The concert is FREE!

Check back for updates of upcoming concerts and events!

Thank you to all who auditioned

Thank you to all who auditioned on January 31st. We heard some VERY talented singers and were very happy with the overall quality of the auditions. Results of the auditions have gone out so check your email for a message from me. If you would like a trial lesson or would like to meet with any of the faculty, or even just have a question about our program please feel free to email us. Here is a list of those emails again.

Professor Joseph-Weil
Dr. Radford
Dr. Hamre
Professor de Jong

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

What do I need to bring to the audition?  Please prepare two contrasting solo pieces. Our program is a classical music program, so we would like to hear you sing pieces from the Classical Art Song Repertoire.  These songs should be songs unto themselves and not solos picked from a choral piece. We would like to hear you sing a song in English and a song in a language other than English.  A song in Italian, German, French or Spanish would be perfect. Your English piece can be a Music Theatre selection but please do not present anything that could be considered "pop""hip-hop" or "rap" music.  There are very good programs that teach students how to sing in this way, but our program does not.  We will provide an accompanist for you.  You will also be asked to do some short ear training and sight singing exercises.  Please dress appropriately for the audition.  Wear something you would wear to a job interview in an office or at an important family gathering.  Thank you for your interest in our program.  If you have any other questions please email me at

Welcome to the Fresno State Voice and Choral Area blog.  We are holding auditions for admission into voice on Saturday, January 31st.  The auditions will be held in the Old Music Building, in room 163.  

We are located just south of the Amphitheater.  Enter the campus off of Shaw on to Maple. There is pay and display parking if you take a right after the first stop sign and then an immediate left. There are also meters around the Health Center.  Please plan to arrive at least fifteen minutes before your audition time.  If we are running late please sit quietly in the hall, and we will come out and get you when it is your turn.  Thank you for coming to Fresno State and auditioning for us.  We hope you find your visit with us enjoyable.